The CIA secretively funded the rebels who carried out the September 1991 coup of Haiti's democratically elected government. The February 2004 coup, in contrast, was carried out openly and in broad daylight, with the support of the international community and the UN. The Nation wonders how long the world will "accept this farce" and whether Haiti is just "too poor and too black for anyone to care about."
A San Francisco Bay View reporter based in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince tells the story of the illegal arrest of Bel Air residents by UN peacekeepers. Since the US, France and Canada overthrew the democratically-elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 2004, international observers have reported an overwhelming increase in the number and severity of human rights violations against Haiti's poor majority.
This article criticizes the French and American "obsession" with having a new Haitian president take office by February 7, 2006, despite the fact that this is clearly unrealistic. Violence has reached an unprecedented level in the slums, and people's living conditions are worsening. As a community leader in the slum of Bel-Air put it: ''How can people think about elections when they don't have food?" (Miami Herald)
The interim government of Haiti, with the support of the US, Canada, and France, uses the police, courts and prisons to repress political freedoms in Haiti. The Tyee asks whether Canada's reputation is going to be "irreparably tarnished" when Ottawa's imperialist policies in the region come to light.
Thierry Fagart, the human rights official with the UN Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), called the human rights situation in Haiti "catastrophic." Fagart pointed to executions, mob violence, torture and arbitrary arrests connected to the government, and urged the US-backed Interim Government of Haiti (IGH) to end human rights abuses immediately. More than 800 people have died as a result of political violence in 2005. (Reuters)
The director of the Council on Hemispheric Affairs and the former director of the Washington Office on Haiti maintain that the US has political motivations for wanting the Haitian elections to take place in February 2006. Even if Haiti is clearly not ready, Washington is eager to take the island off the US political agenda "as close to cost-free as possible." The two authors call the upcoming presidential elections a "grotesque parody of a democratic electoral process" and "a fraud in the making."
The Haiti Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) has blocked Dumarsais Siméus, a wealthy Haitian-American businessman, from running in Haiti's presidential elections on the grounds that he had renounced his Haitian citizenship. Siméus' election team denies this accusation and accuses the interim Prime Minister Gérard Latortue of "hand-picking the candidates" to maintain his power base. The CEP rejected twenty-three other candidates, including Gérard Jean-Juste, one of the most charismatic figures in Haiti and a well-known human rights activist. (Christian Science Monitor)
This ZNet article looks critically at the UN peacekeeping mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), implying that it has become a means of controlling Haiti's poor rather than protecting them. Indeed, MINUSTAH has focused largely on fighting violence committed by gangs in poor neighborhoods. Meanwhile, with the support of the US, Canada, and France, the former Haitian Army and paramilitaries who overthrew Aristide's government remain at large, armed and dangerous.
Opponents of Haiti's Interim Government are explicitly imprisoned for being "close to the former regime," in order to prohibit them from running in the presidential elections. The International Relations Center (IRC) argues that this disenfranchisement of political opponents violates the fundamental human rights guaranteed by the UN Charter. Even worse, it is conducted openly and under the oversight of the international community. IRC asks the US to stop financing these elections until the persecution stops.
The US is manipulating Haiti, reports this truthout article. After the US, France and Canada ousted the democratically-elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the Haitian police jailed thousands of Aristide-supporters, and killed thousands of people. Furthermore, many reports have surfaced accusing the UN peacekeeping force of complicity in human rights abuses. In a visit to Haiti, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice publicly maintained support for the new regime. She made clear that the US did not want President Aristide to return to Haiti despite the revelation by officials at Canada's Foreign Affairs Department that Aristide's party remains the most popular in Haiti.
This article highlights the possibility that elections might further hurt Haiti's fragile democracy. In fact, the International Crisis Group argues that holding elections in Haiti should not be the UN's first priority. According to Amnesty International, the UN's main concern should be law enforcement, as "politically motivated arbitrary detentions, extrajudicial executions, deliberate and arbitrary killings of civilians, rape, death threats and intimidation are routine and are perpetrated with impunity." (Christian Science Monitor)
The Haiti Information Project claims that the UN peacekeeping mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) "is responsible for creating the very environment that has given rise to the police state in Haiti and is ultimately responsible for the human rights nightmare in Haiti today." Indeed, many see the UN forces as supporting and bolstering the US-installed regime of de facto Prime Minister Gérard Latortue at the expense of innocent Haitians.
Two New York Times journalists recount their visit to Cité Soleil, Haiti's biggest and most violent slum. On July 6, the UN peacekeeping mission carried out a controversial operation in Cité Soleil and reportedly injured numerous innocent civilians. The authors note that the incident could disrupt the November elections, as the cross-fire "further embittered many Aristide supporters."
A police operation killed at least twenty people in the Port-au-Prince slum of Martissant, increasing criticism over alleged abuses by police officers and the failure of the UN mission (MINUSTAH) to secure peace in Haiti. The head of the MINUSTAH human rights unit, Thierry Faggart, said his office was investigating the incident and several other cases of human rights abuses blamed on police. "It is intolerable to accept that sort of situation where people take justice into their own hands." (Reuters)
A July 2005 raid by UN peacekeepers against gang members in a Haitian slum ended with several injured civilians and increased criticism over UN failures in Haiti. The operation, along with others in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Sierra Leone, also reflects a shift towards more aggressive peacekeeping tactics. UN peacekeeping official Jean-Marie Guehenno says "You don't want any Srebrenica, and you don't want Mogadishu," but the Washington Post warns that increasingly robust tactics could come at the high price of civilian casualties.
This ZNet article expresses strong criticism of the UN peacekeeping mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), likening peacekeepers' lies about civilian deaths and abuse of children to Security Council inaction over the 1994 Rwanda genocide. The author points fingers at the US and France for helping oust Haitian President Jean Bertrand Aristide "because he refused to play neo-colonial ball," and suggests that Brazil only took charge of the UN mission because it wanted to win elusive US support for its permanent Council seat bid.
Cautioning against Haiti's complete demise, International Crisis Group advises the UN peacekeeping mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), the Organization of American States, and major donors the US, France and Canada, on how to remedy the security and political concerns impeding Haiti's election process. The report addresses pros and cons of delaying elections, but also warns that "this is the last chance; if the country continues on its way toward permanent failed state status, there will be no other choice than a complete international take-over."
In February 2004, the US, France and Canada forcibly removed from power the democratically elected Haitian president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. While it is widely known that the Haitian leader was unpopular with the Bush administration, the motives behind Canada and France's involvement continue to raise questions. This article claims that the Canadian and French governments supported the coup to rekindle diplomatic ties with the US after having opposed the war in Iraq. (The Republic)
This ZNet article looks critically at international involvement—especially that of the US and Canada—in Haiti, implying that the targeting of "poor Haitians and their popular leaders" is a result of what these outside players want for Haiti's future. Citing differing reports on a UN peacekeeping raid in early July that the US media failed to cover, the detention of several pro-Aristide political prisoners, and Canada's silence on human rights abuses by the Haitian National Police, this author questions the international players' concerns in Haiti's political future.
"Haitians remain mired in a human rights crisis despite the presence of a UN peacekeeping force," says Amnesty International. The UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti—which has come under fire for civilian deaths during anti-gang raids—lacks military authority and intelligence, and the interim government has done little to help the UN forces. Citing concern with the humanitarian crisis in the lead-up to Haiti's fall elections, this report offers recommendations such as increased reporting on human rights violations and better training for Haitian police.
The US government has pushed to distribute more weapons to the Haitian National Policy (HNP) despite the arms embargo, yet the HNP is in fact "a cause of the violence" in the country, says this article. Discrediting the ability of outside forces such as the US or the UN peacekeeping mission to control the police force, the author says "experience provides little reason to believe that an undisciplined force will become disciplined by getting more guns." (Foreign Policy In Focus)
Many Haitian citizens blame the UN Stabilization Mission (MINUSTAH) for "neglecting its peacekeeping mission and behaving more like an occupation force." Armed with the excuse of ensuring security before elections, the US and France may soon return with their military forces to the troubled country. But this World War 4 Report warns that the lack of change in Haiti will make Haitians only more "skeptical" and "cynical" of outside intervention.
Internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Haiti face worse conditions than IDPs in Sudan's Darfur region, says UN Undersecretary General for Peacekeeping Jean-Marie Guehenno. Although the Security Council voted to increase UN forces in the country before the fall 2005 elections, Guehenno warns that "the troops will never enforce peace if the people are not at peace with themselves." Given the extent of unrest in the poorest western hemisphere country, Guehenno predicts that UN peacekeepers could remain there for years. (Voice of America)
Haiti will become a "permanent failed state" unless the UN can "address the crisis more fundamentally" beyond the eight-month mandate extension, says the Boston Globe. This author blames the transitional US and France-led multinational force for failing to rid the country of drug dealers, gangs and extremists, and urges the US to send more support even if such action is "politically unpalatable."
Following a month-long delay, the Security Council has expanded UN troop numbers and extended the mandate of the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti until February 2005. Though most council members had pushed for a year-long mandate, China had "misgivings" over Haiti's recognition of Taiwan. Critics question the effectiveness of the peacekeeping mission given the still present "rampant abuses," but the eight-month compromise at least ensures UN presence during the October elections. (Reuters)
Former Haiti shadow Prime Minister Yvon Neptune remains imprisoned by the US-instituted interim government, accused of orchestrating a massacre in the country's north. Neptune and his supporters argue that the incarceration without trial represents a "political witch hunt" and demonstrates Washington's failure to introduce democracy into the Haitian government. The detention, coupled with Neptune's repeated hunger strikes, has ignited past political hostilities, further threatening Haiti's stability and its upcoming elections. (
New York Times)
The US government, which has long been involved in Haitian politics and economy, wants to further lift a 14-year-old arms embargo in order to provide more weapons to the Haitian National Police (HNP). Citing the need for the HNP to ensure security before fall 2005 elections, US policy makers ignore human rights abuses committed by the officers and condoned by the interim government. The US has "failed to end the hypocrisy in its own Caribbean and Latin American foreign policy," says this TransAfrica Forum paper, warning that the US needs to "step away from its gross interference in Haitian affairs."
Brazilian General Augusto Heleno Ribeiro, military forces commander of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) responds to criticism by arguing that greater aggressiveness by his troops could lead to indiscriminate violence, and maintains that any passivity has been to protect Haitian civilians' human rights. At the same time, interim Prime Minister of Haiti, Gerard Latortue, insinuates that the UN mission needs "greater force" and that the Security Council should "redistribute troops to the most violent areas of the country." (
Inter Press Service)
Despite the presence of the United Nations Stabilization Mission (MINUSTAH), Haiti "is ensnared in a deep political, social and economic crisis." According to the International Crisis Group (ICG), warring gangs dominate the slums of Port-au-Prince, while poverty and human rights abuses continue. The ICG recommends that the Security Council expand MINSTAH's executive authority over law enforcement and security forces, recruit more female officers and "carry out a disarmament campaign" against uncooperative armed groups.
The Security Council has extended the UN peacekeeping mission in Haiti for four weeks, while it reaches "final agreement" on the mission's future mandate. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has recommended increasing the number of forces and prolonging the mandate for a year to ensure "adequate security" during the country's upcoming elections. However, China has objected to a full-year mandate: Beijing has no diplomatic relations with Haiti, which recognizes "the self-governing island of Taiwan." Concerns remain that China's political interests will stand in the way of strengthening the mission in Haiti. Meanwhile, the situation on the ground is unstable, with frequent violence and human rights abuses. (Reuters)
The debate surrounding the United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) heightens as the mission approaches the expiry of its mandate on June 1, 2005. The peacekeeping forces have failed to stabilize the conflict, and critics note that the mission needs a stronger mandate. Following the Security Council's visit to Haiti in April 2005, the Council will probably amend MINUSTAH's mandate, but with what kind of changes – more troops, a longer term, or even the authority to use force? (Miami Herald)
Members of a Security Council fact-finding team call for extending the United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), scheduled to end in June, to ensure "free, fair and safe" elections in late 2005. The report urged donors to follow through with the $1.3 billion in undelivered pledges, and also encouraged judicial reform and better integration of civilians in the reconciliation process. (Inter Press Service)
This article strongly condemns Washington's support for the Haitian government of Gerard Latortue and accuses Haiti's interim Prime Minister of systematic human rights violations. Under the pretext of spreading democracy, the US has fostered a climate of political repression, legitimized by a UN force. The author is equally critical of MINUSTAH or the UN mission in Haiti, charging it with "unwillingness to protect civilians from political force." (In These Times)
The hunger strike of former Haitian Prime Minister Yvon Neptune, who was exiled under President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, has drawn attention to "a broader and longstanding problem in Haiti of the prolonged detention of individuals without charge or trial." Thierry Fagart, head of the human rights division of the UN peacekeeping mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) labeled the detention "illegal." MINUSTAH's failure to stabilize the country and Haiti's worsening human rights situation cast a shadow on the November 2005 elections, which will simply yield power to thugs and warlords according to some observers. (Inter Press Service)
The Secretary General's Special Representative in Haiti Juan Gabriel Valdez has said that postponing Haiti's elections set for November 2005 "could trigger more insecurity and instability." Observers believe armed groups could disrupt the electoral process and disarmament should be a prerequisite for elections. But according to Valdez, disarmament could take years and elections will help bring stability to the country. (AlertNet)
Brazilian Ambassador Ronaldo Sardenberg, leading a delegation of Security Council diplomats on a visit to Haiti to assess the performance of the Brazilian-led peacekeeping mission, has said he sees a clear trend towards stabilization in the country. The 6,000-strong peacekeeping force has taken a more aggressive approach in battling armed gangs, working together with the Haitian police. Council members warned that despite the improvements, violence and instability nevertheless jeopardize nationwide elections scheduled for November 2005. (AlertNet)
On the 18th anniversary of Haiti's post-Duvalier constitution, tens of thousands of protesters gathered in Port au Prince to demonstrate against the French, Canadian and US-backed dismantling of their democracy. The repressive Haitian national police have silenced protesters and international media have largely ignored the pro-democracy rallies and ongoing human rights violations. This ZNet article focuses in particular on Canada's involvement in Haiti and is highly critical of the Canadian-led UN police in the country, which it says "has effectively provided cover for the [Haitian] police to wage a campaign of terror in Port-au-Prince's slums."
A UN-backed study by the Small Arms Group says that the proliferation of small arms in Haiti has contributed significantly to the conflict and forms a major obstacle to peace in the country. According to the report's authors armed gangs and non-state opposition groups hold up to 13,000 automatic and semi-automatic weapons and undermine the efforts of the UN peacekeeping force in Haiti. (AlertNet)
Head of the UN peacekeeping mission in Haiti Juan Gabriel Valdes fears that armed militias could severely disrupt the country's elections, scheduled for October and November 2005. The mission, known as MINUSTAH, has avoided confrontation with rebels as the transitional government attempted to end the violence. But with the killing of two peacekeepers, an ever increasing number of civilian casualties and uncertainty about the forthcoming electoral process, MINUSTAH has announced it will treat armed gangs who refuse to hand over their weapons "with firmness." (Associated Press)
As the security situation worsens in Haiti, the prospect of free and fair elections at the end of 2005 darkens. Illegal armed groups continue to threaten supporters of former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, and as long as actions go unpunished, the government of Gerard Latortue is fostering a climate favorable to violence. This opinion piece recommends Prime Minister Gerard Latortue work closely together with the international community and take four critical steps, which will improve Haitians' safety and confidence to participate in the next elections. (Miami Herald)
Former Haitian government attorney Ira Kurzban laments former President Bertrand Aristide's "forced departure and kidnapping by the Bush administration" and cites Haiti as "another example of the Bush administration's complete incompetence and unwillingness to support democratic principles." One year after the coup, violations of human rights are widespread and the US has severely restricted press freedom. Kurzban also criticizes the UN peacekeeping mission in Haiti, which he defines as "firepower to support the political cleansing operation." (
Miami Herald)
Despite a clear mandate to monitor human rights, disarm gangs and militia and assist in democracy building, MINUSTAH, or the UN mission in Haiti has failed to improve conditions necessary for a democratic process. This Harvard Law School report compares MINUSTAH’s mandate to that of previous UN missions in Liberia and Sierra Leone and finds that the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration campaigns in those countries worked, although their mandates were weaker. The report concludes that MINUSTAH’s passive stance results from a lack of political will, rather than from the vague language in its mandate. (Harvard Law Student Advocates for Human Rights and Centro de Justica Global)
This International Crisis Group (ICG) report details the problems of Haiti's transitional government and stresses the need for improvement in security and the socio-economic and political situation in the run-up to elections scheduled for late 2005. ICG calls on the UN stabilization mission in Haiti to improve the security of ordinary citizens and broker an agreement among Haitians that "establishes common objectives for the next government." It further urges the transitional government to provide basic needs for its increasingly poor population.
This Power and Interest News Report piece summarizes the events that led to Haiti's tumultuous political situation and gives an overview of paramilitary groups, rebels and various parties fighting for power. The author argues that unless the government reconstitutes the country's army, which former President Jean Bertrand Aristide disbanded in 1995, the rebels will continue violent action to reach their demands. The UN faces a daunting challenge in addressing the growing instability in Haiti and cracking down on the US and French supported rebels.
In order to fill the "political vacuum" that emerged when opposition forces ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in February 2004, Haiti's interim government will hold local and national elections in October and November 2005. Canada, the United States, the United Nations and the European Union have pledged financial aid for organization of elections, but it remains doubtful whether all parties will participate in the poll. Representatives of Aristide's Lavalas party have already announced they will only take part if the interim government ceases its "arbitrary arrest and detention of Aristide loyalists," thus endangering the legitimacy of elections. (Associated Press)
One week after Juan Gabriel Valdés, chief of the UN mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), promised to disarm and crack down on armed groups, peacekeepers stormed the Haitian slum, Cité-Soleil. Supporters of ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide have escalated violence in Cité-Soleil with protests demanding Aristide's return. Thus far, MINUSTAH and the US-backed government of Gerard Latortue have been unable to establish stability in the conflict-torn country. (Associated Press)
Haiti remains rife with instability and corruption, and neither the UN peacekeeping mission (MINUSTAH) nor the interim government led by Prime Minister Gerard Latortue have been able to restore security. Elections are scheduled for mid-2005, but most say if they take place at all, they are unlikely to be legitimate. Given Haiti's ongoing crisis, analysts suggest converting Haiti into a UN protectorate but the US, UN and Latortue have all publicly opposed such a move. (Miami Herald)
Nepal, the Philippines and Jordan will send nearly 2,000 troops to Haiti by the end of December, bringing the beleaguered UN peacekeeping force, MINUSTAH, just 600 short of the approved 6,700 troops. MINUSTAH commander Brazilian General Augusto Heleno Pereira says increased numbers will greatly improve peacekeeping capabilities to combat the dangerous security situation. General Pereira also calls for a long-term international commitment that combines humanitarian aid with peacekeeping efforts. (BBC)
Latin American analysts are pessimistic about MINUSTAH's chance of success in Haiti, citing lack of sufficient troop numbers and international aid money. Haiti's economy is "dismal" and the interim government has failed to provide stability. Brazil and Chile lead the peacekeeping mission, but their efforts could fail in spite of their desire to gain international prestige. Analysts say Haiti needs long-term international aid and some say that Haiti's main problem is not poverty, crime or violence, but "the outright absence of the State." (Inter Press Service)
Interim Prime Minister Gerard Latortue calls for national reconciliation between supporters of former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and the business elite who oppose them. However, Aristide's supporters claim the government represses their side, while the elite opposes reconciliation with forces that have hurt their businesses. Violence plagues Haiti as pro-Aristide militias attack the government, commerce and UN peacekeepers, and ex-soldiers from the Haitian Army build up their forces with support from the "disgruntled" elite. (Los Angeles Times)
The US has lifted a 13-year arms embargo on Haiti in a move to supply weapons to the 2,500-member police force. Supporters and opponents of former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide are engaged in violence and the Haitian government appears unable and perhaps unwilling to do anything about it. Haiti is on the brink of chaos and some worry that the government's repressive stand towards Aristide supporters will preclude any possibility of "real meaningful dialogue" that could curb the "growing and very explosive polarization." (OneWorld)
The national police force and UN peacekeepers are unable to provide adequate security in Haiti due to small numbers and insufficient resources. Former soldiers of the now defunct Haitian Army have taken control of a number of small towns throughout the country and their presence goes unchallenged by both the government and MINUSTAH. The country remains divided between supporters and opponents of the exiled former president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, and political violence continues to simmer. (Washington Post)
China is sending a 125-member police unit to Haiti, the first integrated peacekeeping unit under UN command. After years of reluctance, Beijing says the unit's deployment is a sign of its willingness to play a larger UN peacekeeping role. Haiti maintains relations with Taiwan but not mainland China, and Taiwan and China have often competed for the loyalties of smaller countries. (Washington Post)
A tropical storm has devastated Haiti, causing at least 1,500 deaths with a serious danger of more deaths from disease. Widespread looting and mob violence have gone largely unchecked and more UN peacekeepers must be sent to provide security and aid. The Security Council authorized 6,700 peacekeepers earlier this year but only half of those have arrived. Without UN attention, Haiti may become "ungovernable and ecologically ruined." (Chicago Tribune)
Illegal armed groups are pressing the interim government to recognize the reestablishment of the Haitian Army. The armed groups have set up bases throughout Haiti but thus far, US-led multinational forces and UN troops have treated these forces with "kid gloves." Considering the Haitian Army's past human rights record, the Haiti Support Group asserts that a policy of coexistence "will constitute a grave set-back for human rights and democracy in Haiti for years to come."
This article from Le Monde diplomatique traces the rise and fall of Haiti's only democratically elected president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. The author looks at the role of Haiti's internal politics as well as the strong hand of Washington in Aristide's removal from office. Haiti has since been plunged into chaos and violence, and many worry that "the Franco-American intervention in Haiti [is] a dangerous precedent" for US involvement in regimes that "have the nerve to upset the established disorder in the US's backyard."
The UN mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) is operating with less than half the number of troops authorized by the Security Council. The mission's goals include disarmament and organizing elections for next year but peacekeepers are facing "deteriorating security, a fragile political situation and logistical difficulties." Brazil is leading the UN force and says it is expecting more troop contributions from various countries such as Spain and Morocco. (Associated Press)
UN peacekeepers as well as Gérard Lartortue's caretaker government are unable to provide Haitians with a sense of security. Disarmament programs seem ineffective in recovering weapons from both supporters and opponents of former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristede. Yet ironically, police officers in Cap Haitien, Haiti's second largest city, have no guns, police cars or radios. (New York Times)
South African President Thabo Mbeki paints a grim picture of security in Haiti, concentrating on the abuses perpetrated by "killers of the Duvalier period." Mbeki criticizes the United Nations for failing to condemn the removal of former President Jean-Bertrand Aristede. He argues that, in order to restore security and human rights, the United Nations must defeat "the criminal forces of counter-revolution that necessitated the deployment of UN troops." (ANC Today)
The Brazilian government accepted the task of leading a UN military contingent in Haiti, replacing French and US troops in the country. The author argues that Brazil's intervention is an attempt by the government to win the trust of the permanent members of the Security Council - and a permanent seat on the Council itself. (Americas Program, Interhemispheric Resource Center)
The World Socialist argues that like the US and France, Spain's decision to contribute troops to the UN mission in Haiti reflects the government's desire to defend its economic and military interests in the region.
The Organization of American States (OAS) passed a resolution investigating the departure of Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, despite objections from the US and Haiti. The OAS also urged the interim Haitian government "to create conditions conducive to the holding of free, fair and democratic elections in Haiti as soon as possible." (Associated Press)
Haiti is trying to reinvent itself after President Jean-Bertrand Aristide departed. However, the lack of security, electricity and sanitation in the country makes "economic overhaul" an extremely challenging task. (Miami Herald)
The UN peacekeeping force in Haiti is facing enormous challenges in accomplishing its mission, which includes disarming the rebels and assisting civilians in the flood disaster. With a vague Security Council mandate, the mission has slight chance of success. (BBC)
The authors warn that the United Nations faces "a long-term, risky and expensive" task as it takes over peacekeeping operations in Haiti. Having taken the initiative to rid the nation of its democratically elected leader, the United States and France should shoulder much of the burden in addressing the nation's ills. (International Herald Tribune)
Peter Hallward’s article follows the political and economic situation in Haiti before, during and after Lavalas. Aristide’s removal was secured by a combination of the US’ crippling embargos on financial aid to Haiti, military repression and propaganda portraying the democratically elected government as corrupt. The legacy left by the coup is violence perpetrated by US trained paramilitary forces on a greater scale than during Aristide’s power, continuing massive inequality and repression of the poor. (New Left Review)
This truthout article investigates the motives behind big powers — France and US — in removing Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide from office. This unilateral regime change not only violated international law, but also resulted in the lawless situation allowing former rebels to commit atrocities against civilians.
The author argues that Haiti's interim Prime Minister Gérard Latortue's "refusal — or worse, his inability — to understand the nexus between race, politics and poverty raises serious concerns about his ability to lead Haiti." The impoverished underclass of Haiti echo a similar view and are now hoping for a leader who, unlike Latortue, can understand their plight and help them through the hardship. (Africana)
The uncertain situation in Haiti, especially in terms of security, has shaken many South American countries into committing troops to the peacekeeping mission in the country. Other factors, such as cost and the possibility of asserting regional influence also affect these countries' decisions on whether or not to participate in the peacekeeping operation. (Inter Press Service)
Former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide has requested asylum in South Africa, ending speculation as to where he will seek refuge after having stayed in Jamaica for almost two months. (Associated Press)
Refugee advocacy groups criticize the US for continuously refusing to accept Haitian refugees. Describing the US stance on this issue as discriminatory and "not civilized," columnist John Maxwell condemns the US for abrogating its legal obligations to protect refugees and prejudicing Haitian asylum-seekers, whilst welcoming Cuban counterparts. (Inter Press Service)
By defending the UN decision for a six-month mission to Haiti as "just right" for monitoring progress and watching costs, the US once again reneged on its promise for a long-term commitment and placed Haiti on a "very low priority." This article argues that the US attempt in achieving the so-called progress in the country by hastening its elections would only inflame the conflict. (Africana)
Can Haiti finally find its way out of the cycle of violence and poverty? This answer remains unclear, argues Time Europe, because Haiti's interim government continues revengeful actions against officials and supporters of ousted President, Jean Bertrand Aristide. (Time Europe)
The UN has authorized the establishment of a peacekeeping force to Haiti with a multi-dimensional mandate to help stabilize the country. Chilean Ambassador, Heraldo Munoz, echoed the view of UN Special Envoy to Haiti, Reginald Dumas, that the UN should commit to the mission for the long haul and "not lose patience as [it] did in the past." (Associated Press)
The US has threatened to cut off contact and cooperation with CARICOM, unless the regional body formally recognizes the interim regime in place in Haiti. CARICOM officials have expressed regret over Washington's decision and described it as "arrogance" and "bullying tactics." (Jamaica Observer)
Brazil seeks to take a leading regional role as a crisis mediator by heading a UN peacekeeping mission to Haiti, on the condition that the international community help build democracy in the country. (Reuters)
UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, has called for a new UN mission in Haiti to replace the US-led multinational force. Annan reiterated that it is crucial for the new mission to build partnerships with regional organizations and to include experts on specific humanitarian areas. (Associated Press)
Harvard physician Paul Farmer describes a century of US military, political and economic intervention in Haiti, culminating in the overthrow of former president Jean-Bertrand Aristide. In addition to military occupation and support for the anti-Aristide opposition, the US imposed "de facto economic sanctions" by withholding aid from the indebted and impoverished country. (London Review of Books)
The break from Haiti's gloomy past must involve the full participation of civil society, the effective disarming of all illegal armed groups, and the careful design of economic reform to lift poverty. (Grassroots International)
This article accuses the US of not being serious about disarming Haitian combatants, and failing to prevent Haitian military from reconstituting itself, as forces under former military commanders continue to commit atrocities on civilians in the Northern region. (Africana)
US and France have threatened CARICOM, insisting that it abandon its request for an investigation into the departure of the former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. An international law expert has denounced such intimidation and urges CARICOM to take the matter to the UN General Assembly, where it would not face the threat of veto. (Inter Press Service)
US Secretary of State Colin Powell rejected the CARICOM-proposed UN probe into the former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide's departure, saying "no purpose would be served" by such an inquiry. (Associated Press)
The manipulation of the judiciary system by the new Haitian administration for political control and oppression against the "pro-Aristidists" has cast a shadow over the prospect for a democratic future in the country, says Africana.
By withholding its recognition on Haiti's new interim government until the UN investigates the departure of former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, CARICOM has shown a "steadfast determination not to bow to pressures from any quarter other than what is deemed to be in the best interests of the Haitian people," says the Trinidad and Tobago Express.
UN's Special Envoy to Haiti, Reginald Dumas, urges the international community to get away from "a stop-start cycle" regarding the rebuilding of the country, and to give it sustained and long-term assistance. (Bloomberg)
As the manner in which ousted president Jean-Bertrand Aristide went into exile remains unresolved, the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has decided not to recognize Haiti's new US-backed government. Officials from CARICOM said for the time being they will "work through the United Nations and other agencies" in dealing with matters concerning Haiti. (Associated Press)
Source: Reuters/Daniel Morel |
This article criticizes the US for repeatedly carrying out "economic terrorism"—the threat to cut off aid—against Haiti in the past, and currently against Jamaica to force them to expel former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide from the country. The author argues that this US arrogance typifies its policy towards countries in the Caribbean. (Dissident Voice)
In this interview with Democracy Now, Randall Robinson, a close friend of the ousted Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, reveals how US National Security Adviser Condoleeza Rice has told the Jamaican government to expel the ousted President or face the consequences of US retaliation "if anything happens to American forces in Haiti."
This article argues that US failure to disarm combatants in Haiti and its backing for the new government implies that its promise to give the country a "secure tomorrow" would mean stability "through oppression [but] not freedom." (Africana)
This article analyzes the arguments for and against the restoration of Jean-Bertrand Aristide to power. The author argues that failure to demand his restoration would be an affront to constitutional democracy and would amount to "a de facto acceptance of the result of a coup, albeit in subtle terms." (Sacramento Observer)
Small arms in Haiti have become "a destabilizing force," which has contributed to violent crimes and impeded efforts to build democracy in the country. Systematic efforts by the international community to disarm combatants and to end the flow of arms is crucial to the peacekeeping process in the country, says the Christian Science Monitor.
The New York-based NGO National Coalition for Haitian Rights has denounced Haiti's new Prime Minister Gerard Latortue for lauding the gangs who ousted former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. It argues that this "unholy alliance" of the government with the rebels will further polarize country. (Reuters)
Haiti's new top justice official Bernard Gousse has begun filing a criminal case against the exiled President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, on charges that he masterminded the brutal oppression of his political opponents and stole state funds. The long history of manipulation of Haiti's judicial system by political elites has sparkled fears that any proceedings against Aristide may be used as a means to achieve political ends. (Los Angeles Times)
This article denounces the US for pressuring the new Haiti regime to freeze Haiti's membership in CARICOM, in response to Jamaica's initiative in hosting the exiled Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. The author warns that such a move would only move Haiti away from international recognition on its regime legitimacy. (Nation Newspaper Barbados)
This article criticizes the US for impeding democratic development in Haiti by creating a radical imbalance between conflicting parties— giving money to anti-Aristide factions and cutting off aid to Aristide's ruling party. Public suspicion that US-backed "businessmen and murderers" will only promote their self-interests, coupled with widening economic disparities, have created "a fertile ground for a revolution" in the future, says Africana.
The newly appointed Haitian Prime Minister Gérard Latortue is set to establish a new cabinet to run the country until elections are held, despite several Caribbean countries' refusal to recognize the new government. The exclusion of ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide's allies from the cabinet, however, contradicts Latortue's promise to "build a government of national reconciliation". (New York Times)
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan argues that the current Haitian crisis presents "a more daunting situation" for the international community than the 1994 crisis, both in terms of security problems and the hostile Haitian sentiment towards international involvement. He urges the international community to learn from previous peacekeeping failures, and to undertake a long-term engagement in Haiti. (Wall Street Journal)
This New York Times article analyzes the problems which Haiti has long been suffering, most notably defective channeling of, or prohibitions on, financial aid by the US and international organizations. It urges the international community to resume aid programs to help the country out of poverty, and suggests that aid is most effective if it "flows from the ground up [and] not the top down."
This article denounces US arrogance in ignoring regional organizations' opinion in overthrowing former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. The author condemns the unfolding crisis in Haiti as a modern US-sponsored coup d'etat "in the guise of "humanitarian interference", and argues the US is once again exercising its imperial power in "directing the fortune of Haiti." (CounterPunch)
Following two weeks of life in exile, ousted Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide is set to return to the Caribbean to reunite with family members. Aristide, still the country's only democratically elected president, has suggested that he has not abandoned his desire to return to govern the country. (Associated Press)
The article suggests that the removal of former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide forms part of the US imperial project to destabilize progressive regimes in the Caribbean and Central-South American region, and to insure its supremacy and access to energy resources in oil-rich countries in the region. (Final Call)
In a phone interview with the Pacific News Service, Mayor Jean Charles Moise of Northern Haiti, who is now in hiding, denounced the ongoing violence by the former Haitian military against Haitians in his region. Skeptical of the origin of the military's heavy weaponry, Moise argues that the brutality in this forgotten region should bring light to a US connection with the revived army in the country.
This article analyses the problems Haiti faces in rebuilding itself following the political crisis, such as the social division between a small business elite and masses of poor people, and the existence of a "culture of dependency" created by international aid. The Christian Science Monitor argues these problems, aggravated by US strategic involvement, make a brighter future for Haiti far from certain.
The UN asserts that it will investigate the ouster of Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide once it receives a formal request from the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). James Paul, of Global Policy Forum, argues that opposition from permanent members of the Security Council will preclude any Council investigations, and suggests "the only course of action...would be for the...General Assembly to take up the issue." (Inter Press Service)
This article denounces US attempts to "deceive international opinion" by misrepresenting CARICOM's 'Action Plan' to resolve the Haiti crisis. While CARICOM insisted on a power-sharing agreement between former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and the opposition groups, the US maintained that the plan sought to "guide efforts for forming a new government" in Haiti. (Trinidad and Tobago Express)
For decades, France, the United States and international financial institutions have contributed to destabilizing democracy in Haiti. Noam Chomsky argues that the recent tragedy in Haiti is an inevitable consequence of decades of foreign intervention.(ZMag)
An advisory council has named former Haitian Foreign Minister Gerald Latortue as the country's new interim prime minister. Latortue's new responsibilities include heading a transitional government and organizing elections following the controversial departure of former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide from the country. (Associated Press)
Haiti's former Supreme Court chief justice, Boniface Alexandre, has installed himself as interim president of the country, following former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide's departure from office. However the legitimacy of Alexandre's presidency, based on annulled legislation, is still far from clear. (New York Times)
Exiled President Jean-Bertrand Aristide has reiterated that his removal from office was a "kidnapping" and that he remains the elected head of Haiti. In the face of foreign intervention, Aristide has called for "peaceful resistance" and "the restoration of democracy" in Haiti. (Associated Press)
The Guardian argues that US military intervention in Haiti has revealed a foreign policy wholly driven by self-interest and the use of force. It also suggests that President Jean-Bertrand Aristide's ouster has delivered a dangerous message to the world that the "US supports democracy [only] when democracy supports the US," and that it could topple democracies which it deems unfavorable.
This article argues that only a sustained commitment by the international community and the Haitian people to rebuilding Haiti's institutions will prevent similar crisis from happening in the future. As David Malone of the International Peace Academy remarks, failure to provide a long-term commitment will make certain that "the tragedy of Aristide's departure [will occur] again in a decade or so." (Foreign Policy Association)
The article spells out a few priorities for rebuilding Haiti after the political upheaval, such as the creation of a broad-based interim government. The author argues that the international community should maintain a long-term commitment to helping Haiti, and that the Haitian people should "assume responsibility for their own future" if peace is to last. (BBC)
In the lead-up to the Haitian crisis, the Jamaica Observer argued that President Jean-Bertrand Aristide was "offered as sacrifice on an altar of expediency by an axis of powerful nations." It also echoed the view of CARICOM that the international community should investigate the circumstances of Aristide's departure, which appeared "worrying for all democratically-minded nations." (Jamaica Observer)
This article makes five powerful claims as to how the US and Canadian governments have pursued policies which have contributed to the current economic and humanitarian crisis in Haiti. The authors argue that the goal of these policies is to foster a regime change which ultimately furthers US interests. (Dominion)
The Central African Republic is showing growing unease in harboring Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. The government says Mr. Aristide's presence is "a source of concern" for the country and is making plans for him to seek permanent asylum elsewhere. (New York Times)
The US has historically intervened militarily in Haiti for the purpose of controlling the flow of refugees into the US. The author argues that these repeated interventions have damaged the Haiti's civil society and rule of law, and have indirectly led to the current crisis. (Media Monitors Network)
The exiled dictator Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier has signaled his intention to return to Haiti after President Jean-Bertrand Aristide fled the country. In reviewing Duvalier's past record, however, a human rights NGO has warned that his "return to Haiti would be a disaster unless it is to face justice." (Associated Press)
Faced with an armed rebellion led by thugs tied to former dictators, President Jean-Bertrand Aristide of Haiti left office and departed the country on February 29, 2004. Washington appears to have supported the coup that deposed the democratically-elected president. It continues a long and sorry tradition of violence and intervention that includes 33 coups and a long period of US occupation, leaving Haiti one of the world's poorest lands.
By drawing comparisons with the Iraq invasion of Kuwait in 1990, this article denounces the US intervention in Haiti as another incident of a superpower arbitrarily controlling other states' affairs so as to impose on them its idea of "democracy". The author argues that this "American coup" in Haiti has "helped Washington to regain a sense of confidence in its use of subversive political methods" to further its own interest. (Telepolis)
The author examines US "liberal interventions" in Kosovo and Haiti in 1994, and argues single-power interventions are both politically illegitimate and often lead to further political instability and crisis.
(Foreign Policy in Focus)
As the circumstances of the Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide's resignation unfold, mounting evidence suggests that the US forcibly removed Aristide from power. Aristide's close friend Randall Robinson argues US action in Haiti is an American "coup against a democratically elected government." (Truthout)
In an effort to defend its position on the Haiti crisis, the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has denounced the "unconstitutional removal" of Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. CARICOM chairman PJ Patterson has warned that the President's removal "sets a dangerous precedent for democratically elected it promotes the removal of duly-elected persons from office by the power of rebel forces." (Inter Press Service News Agency)
The Security Council has voted unanimously to authorize the deployment of a multinational interim force to Haiti for three months to help restore stability and security. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has expressed hope that the involvement of the international community will "not only help stabilize the current situation, but assist the Haitians over the long haul and really help them a stable country." (Associated Press)
Having fled the chaotic Caribbean state of Haiti, President Jean-Bertrand Aristide has left behind many uncertainties as to the country's future. One opposition organization argues that the long-term stability of the country hinges on the restoration of law and order, the disarmament of armed groups, and closer cooperation with the international community. (Christian Science Monitor)
This BBC article examines the causes of, and political backlash from, the resignation of Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. It also considers the potential power struggle between various oppositions and rebel groups which could emerge from the political vacuum.
As the rebellion escalates in Haiti, the US is pushing for the resignation of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. The US Secretary of State Colin L. Powell has called on Aristide to "examine his position carefully" and to do "what is best for the people of Haiti"— that is, to step down. (Washington Post)
In an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council, representatives of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and of the Organization of American States (OAS) expressed their concern over the deteriorating situation in Haiti and urged the UN to take action to prevent the crisis from destabilizing the region. The Security Council is urgently considering ''options for international agreement, including that of an international force in support of a political settlement in accordance with the UN Charter.'' (Inter Press Service)
French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin is urging Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide to step down from power. He also called on the Security Council to authorize a multinational police force that could be deployed within days. It is unclear whether the proposed force would impose a peace accord or protect it once reached. (New York Times)
A US lawyer representing the Haitian government has accused the US of backing a military coup against Haiti's President, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. He claims that US intelligence services have armed, trained, and employed the Haitian opposition. "If a direct US connection is proven, it will mark the second time in just over a decade that Washington has been involved in a coup in Haiti," says DemocracyNow.
The Resource Center for the Americas provides political and historical information on Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the opposition, and the US position on Haiti since 1994.
Deploring the humanitarian situation in Haiti, MADRE denounces the media manipulation in covering the crisis, and accuses the US of playing a double role. While Washington officially calls for the respect of democracy in Haiti, this article shows that the US Republican Party has consistantly funded opposition groups led by ex-military coup-makers.
Kofi Annan recommends to the Security Council that the 70-person UN mission to Haiti not be given a renewed mandate, saying that violence and instability severely limit the work of UN advisors in the country. (BBC)
A New York Times Op-ed article forecasting the difficulties in Haiti's transition to mature democracy. "The American Government and the Haitian people need to grant Mr. Aristide the ideological space to make hard decisions."
A New York Times article about concerns after the withdrawal of the UN police mission from Haiti. "This is actually the first test case of... transition from a peacekeeping operation to a long-term development program," said Nancy Soderberg, the American envoy working on this issue.
A Reuters article on the lack US funding for the UN program in Haiti at a time of increasing turmoil as elections approach.