Seattle, USA
November 27 to December 3, 1999
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Articles and Documents
WTO Coverage: Prattle in Seattle (December 7, 1999)
An essay from (FAIR), a media watch dog, on the bias of reporting done on the WTO Conference in Seattle.
NGOs Unwelcome at Forum (November 30, 1999)
Report from the World Trade Observer on the WTO-NGO symposium in Seattle. NGOs voiced criticism of the WTO and suggestions for change.
The Battle in Seattle (November 27, 1999)
Editorial from The Economist about prospects for member states coming to agreement in Seattle.
French Demonstrators Demand WTO Put People Ahead of Profits (November 27, 1999)
In anticipation of WTO meetings in Seattle, 1000s demonstrate to express concerns that freer trade will lead to greater exploitation of the environment and less respect for human rights as well as loss of French jobs. (Reuters)
Developing Countries' Concerns About Unfair Trade Rules (November 24, 1999)
The UN Newservice discusses the priority concerns facing developing countries as they prepare for negotiations in the upcoming WTO meetings in Seattle.
A Short Guide to the WTO, the Millennium Round, and the Rumble in Seattle (November 24, 1999)
Elaine Bernard, Executive Director of the Harvard Trade Union Program offers a guide to the WTO, to the Seattle Meeting, and to the various debates within the progressive community on the WTO.
Seattle and Beyond: Disarming the New World Order (November 1999)
Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa in Canada, discusses the Counter Summitt at the WTO meeting in Seattle, the illegality of the WTO, China's accession to the WTO and the new world order including issues of speculation and financial deregulation.
11 Countries Criticize Green Room Process (November 15, 1999)
Martin Khor, executive director of Third World Network, reports from Geneva about a letter sent to the WTO chair criticizing lack of transparency during the preparations for the Seattle meeting.
The WTO and the Millennium Round: What is at Stake for Public Education? (fall 1999)
"Common concerns for workers in education and the public sector." A joint publication from Education International (Belgium) and Public Services International (France).
Developing Nations Must Get Priority for Farm Exports at World Trade Talks (October 31, 1999)
Financial Express article about a three-day meeting of Agriculture ministers and officials from 34 countries from North, Central and South America opened in the Brazilian city Salvador, to reach a unified negotiating stance ahead of Seattle meeting.
Slouching Toward Seattle (October 18, 1999)
"Now that America's treaty-making credibility has suffered, the launch of the new round looks positively heroic. If America is to return to a free trade consensus, it is going to need leaders who make the case for trade in more robust terms." (Washington Post )
Labor Isn't a Trade Issue (October 18, 1999)
A Los Angeles Times article about an concern that imposing trade sanctions on countries with poor labor records would only deepen the economic woes of these people. "Denying them access to foreign markets would exclude them from the process of economic globalization, the driving engine behind development."
The WTO and Public Health (October, 1999)
An article from The Ecologist (London) discussing the agenda of the WTO meeting in Seattle and the implications on the further privatization of public health care.
Core Labour Standards Must Not be Abused, Erwin Warns (August 25, 1999)
Trade and Industry Minister Alec Erwin leads discussion of incorporation of labor standards onto the agenda of WTO meeting in Seattle. (Nando Media)
Business Leaders Fight Back Against Anti-WTO Forces (September 24, 1999)
Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports on the US Alliance for Trade Expansion, a coalition of businesses initiating a public relations campaign to counter criticism of the WTO. They are also planning to set up a "war room" during the Seatlle meeting.
Malaysia Calls for One-year Postponement for New WTO Round (August 1999)
G-15 countries gather to find common ground in preparation for upcoming WTO meeting. (Bridges Weekly Trade News Digest)
Ministers for Sale at WTO Conference by Bill Gates (August 21, 1999)
Both the White House and Sir Leon Britain, the outgoing Vice President of the European Commission protest initiative to provide paying TNCs access to WTO ministers.
India Calls for Rejection of New Issues in WTO Agenda (August 18, 1999)
At a G15 Ministerial meeting in preparation for Seattle, India's commerce minister criticizes addition of issues, such as social clauses and governance, to the WTO agenda. He also said developing nations must retain sovereign rights over biological resources.
WTO Meeting Will Set 21st-century Trade Agenda (August 11, 1999)
Seattle Post-Intelligencer article about probable topics - and issues and debates - to be expected at the WTO meeting in Seattle in November 1999.
A Plan to Let Public in on WTO Talks (August 6, 1999)
Plans for a hearing of various interest groups prior to commencement of talks (Seattle Post-Intelligencer).
EU Sets Out Stall for New World Trade Talks (July 8, 1999)
ENDS article on the European Commission's statement to make sustainable development the "central benchmark" of the millennium round WTO talks.
Business Backs Trade Role for UN (July 1, 1999)
A joint UN - International Chamber of Commerce statement calls for greater cooperation between the UN and business and says "that the WTO should not tackle social and environmental standards."
Greens Fight Zero Tariff on Forest Products (June 29, 1999)
Seattle Post-Intelligence Reporter article on environmental groups' protests against the WTO's proposal to reduce tariffs on forest products to zero, claiming that the de-regulation will destroy rainforests.
The Fires Burn in Europe: Taking Stock of the WTO (June 7, 1999)
Report on a USDA-USTR World Trade Organization Listening Session in St. Paul, Minnesota which was attended by farm leaders and state legislators. Includes list of further listening sessions scheduled across the country during the summer of 1999 in preparation for the Seattle WTO Ministerial.
The Magic of "Sustainable Development" (June 7, 1999)
A report by Kenneth Haar, International Secretary of the Red Green Alliance, on the Danish debate on the proposed WTO Millennium Round.
Barshefsky Reveals US Push to Broaden WTO Services Talks (June 4, 1999)
Inside US Trade article about the US Trade Representative's proposal for the negotiating format at the upcoming WTO negotiations, quickening the pace of liberalization and allowing the inclusion of another MAI.
Cuernavaca Consensus (May 1999)
A statement agreed to by activists and academics who are fighting the negative consequences of globalizing an industrial model of agriculture. The declaration is a list of issues that participants felt the upcoming agriculture negotiations at the WTO should address.
A Sign-On Statement Opposing New Trade Negotiations (April 23, 1999)
Link to the Third World Network and a post by international civil society against a comprehensive round of trade liberalisation.
Plans for Protests Against WTO in Seattle (April 23, 1999)
Brief Wall Street Journal report on protests planned for WTO meetings in Seattle in November 1999.
Seattle a MAI-Free Zone (April 12, 1999)
Seattle, the host city of the upcoming WTO Ministerial, declared itself an MAI Free-Zone by unanimous vote in the City Council. Press Release, text of City Council's Resolution and links to further information.
Links and Resources
WTO Watch Active Calendar of Activities in Seattle
WTO Watch's web site informs on the WTO daily events in Seattle through an updated calendar of events along with live and archived multimedia reporting from delegates, officials, community leaders and activists throughout the Ministerial.
WTO News Updates
Global Exchange's web site provides regular news updates on events and demonstrations at the WTO Conference.
Globalize Liberation, Not Corporate Power - Free Speech Internet Television
Audio/video webcasting site, Free Speech, provides democratic coverage of the WTO meetings
Road to Seattle
The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy's electronic news bulletin that highlights events, meetings, forums, and other planning activities during the buildup to Seattle.
Public Citizen on US Preparations for the Seattle WTO Meeting
Public Citizen and Global Trade Watch's web site provides many additional resources.
Peoples' Global Action Against "Free" Trade and the WTO (PGA)
A worldwide alliance that includes representation of people from the Global South. PGA advocates non-violent civil disobedience as a means to resist against unfair practices of the global market. PGA's web site is multilingual.