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In May 1995, the OECD began negotiations on a Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI). The US, eager to avoid interference from poor countries, considered the OECD Council a "safe" body since only rich countries are members of the organization. Secret negotiations took place from 1995 until 1997 when an OECD source leaked a copy of the draft agreement to a Canadian citizen group. The leak revealed that the MAI sought to establish a new body of universal investment laws that would guarantee corporations unconditional rights to buy, sell and do financial operations all over the world, without any regard for national laws and citizens' rights. The draft gave corporations a right to sue governments if national health, labor or environment legislation threatened their interests. However, the negotiations failed in 1998 when first France, and then other countries, successively withdrew after pressure from a global movement of NGOs, citizens groups and governments of poor countries. MAI opponents saw the agreement as a threat to nationalsovereignty and democracy and argued that it would lead to a "race to the bottom" in environmental and labor standards. The failure of the MAI negotiations proved a success for the global movement against the MAI. However, rich governments continue to push for similar investment provisions in regional trade agreements and the World Trade Organization (WTO). At the WTO Ministerial in Cancun in September 2003, the richer WTO members tried to introduce a Multilateral Investment Agreement (MIA) through the "Singapore" issues. These efforts failed again, however, as a group of more than twenty poor countries united in demanding a fairer trade deal. This page follows the MAI and other related initiatives on international investment.
After Trade, a Mess over Investment (September 5, 2003)
Globalization Fight Continues (July 22, 2003)
A Critical Analysis of the Proposed Investment Treaty in WTO (July 2003)
Corporate Conquistadors in Cancun (July 2003)
NGOs Organize Against Proposed WTO Investment Agreement (June 23, 2003)
Unlimited Companies. The Developmental Impacts of an Investment Agreement at the WTO (June 2003)
Investment and the WTO – Busting the Myths (June 2003)
Foreign Investment Regulation in Historical Perspective (March 2003)
A Concise Guide to the Multilateral Agreement on Investment - Supporters' and Opponents' Views
No to Global Investment Treaty (June 1999)
Seattle a MAI-Free Zone (April 12, 1999)
From Bretton Woods to the MAI: Finance and Silence (January 1999)
Militarism and MAI (Winter/Spring 1999)
The Financial Monster that Tried to Eat Australia (December 11, 1998)
Let's Develop Humane Global Investing (April 18, 1998)
NGOs Mount Protest Against MAI (April 1998)
The Dangers of the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (March 1998)
The Dangers of the MAI. Wielding Power Behind the Scenes (March 1998)
The Impact of the MAI on Employment, Growth, and Income Distribution (November 1997)
Multilateral Misgivings (September 22, 1997)
Council of Canadians' Web Site on MAI
The NGO Pocket Trade Lawyer for the MAI
Writing the Constitution of a Single Global Economy: A Concise Guide to the MAI Supporters' and Opponents' Views
Transnational Corporate Bill of Rights - The Multilateral Agreement on Investment
Worse Than NAFTA
"MAI: Foreign Affairs in Annapolis"
MAI Shell Game
The MAI reborn
WCC Warns Churches of Proposed Multilateral Agreement on Investment